
Have you ever been bogged down by people who suck your energy or don’t respect your boundaries? If so, the “How to Deal with Toxic People, Moochers and Complainers” episode of the “Love the Work You Do” podcast is for you.

This goes without saying, there will always be someone who doesn’t like you or what you stand for. And, it is not your job to be a people pleaser. It is also not your job to cater to everyone’s requests. Just because you’re a business owner doesn’t mean you have to drop everything you are doing to answer a client’s question, to make time for people who don’t respect yours or spend your energy with constant complainers.

So how do you deal with toxic people, moochers and complainers without coming across as a jerk?

In the episode, you will learn:

-The one rule to keep in mind whenever you want to stand up to toxic people…if you only listen to a portion of this episode, this would be the portion to hear!

-Why it’s important to have a system to handle “moochers” or free-advice seekers’ requests. (I share something I began to implement after I watched this Marie Forleo video.)

-How to come up with your “no a**hole rule” policy so you can unapologetically let go of clients who break this policy

Want to take the information you learned in this episode and turn it into a lasting transformation for your business? 

Download the “Block Out Toxic People” Worksheet here and fill it out. Once you’ve done the worksheet, follow the instructions on it to let me know your biggest takeaway.

Rob Dial said this: “Keep your distance from people who will never admit they are wrong + who always try to make you feel like it’s your fault.”

Links mentioned in this episode:

Marie Forleo’s “How to Say No to People Who Want to Pick Your Brain”

Block Out Toxic People Worksheet

Other Episodes You May Enjoy: 

Getting Others “On-Board” with Your Mission and Vision

Overcoming Obstacles at Work

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