
Find Sunshine in Stormy Times with Marilyn Santiago – Episode 103

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Struggling to find sunshine in stormy times? In this episode, I’ve invited Marilyn Santiago to share how to seek joy and inspiration, even in the most challenging times. Marilyn Santiago, also known as “Sunshine”, has led a life filled with courage, creativity, and a sense of never-ending optimism. She built a stellar career in the construction and manufacturing industries, after transitioning from the media and entertainment industry. Marilyn discusses how helping others overcome their personal limiting beliefs is the key to finding your own happiness.

Key Takeaways from my chat with Marilyn:

  • What Marilyn is curious about outside of her work: She has loved decorating and arranging furniture to give a fresh take on the ambiance, making it look fresh and pleasant ever since she was a tiny child.
  • The impact Marilyn makes with her work and her inspiration for getting started:   Marilyn strongly believes in empowerment, not just for women but especially the underdogs. Although she’s in the construction industry, Marilyn happily assists others in launching their careers and inviting them to join boards that will better use their presence. Marilyn has been known to nominate people for awards they are deserving of. 
  • What Marilyn recommends to do to tap into more success: It’s challenging to open up when you pretend everything is fine. Take some time to reflect and see the real you, then help yourself overcome those negative aspects by believing in yourself. Prayer is always beneficial, as is getting any book or self-help alternative that you may find suitable to seek help.
  • Marilyn’s current professional goals: Marilyn’s main goal is to inspire people to improve themselves. She is very involved in her local community, an Ambassador for The KNOW Women organization, participates in several non-profit boards, and loves featuring local professionals in her “Sunshine Selfie” column for Southwest Florida Business Today
  • One piece of advice from Marilyn:  Marilyn suggests that you take a step back, consider and believe that you are an extraordinary human being. Be confident in knowing that you possess a unique set of attributes that no one else has. Make great use of those assets, but above all, learn to love yourself.
  • The book Marilyn recommends: When the pandemic began, Marilyn organized a small mastermind group of pals. They exchanged ideas around Danielle LaPorte’s book “The Firestarter Sessions.” It includes step-by-step instructions and a roadmap for attaining success on your terms.
  • Work with Marilyn’s companyCreative Architectural Resin Products
  • Learn more about Marilyn: LinkedIn | Facebook | Company Facebook

Additional Resources:

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